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I Quit!

White flags are drawn, fire is blazing as I stand to my feet and yell out; “I QUIT!” For my friends/family, this may be hard to comprehend. Because, normally you’ll see an “S” on my chest swooping in to whoop your nemesis! Yes, I’d do that for you, no questions asked. To assist in any way, shape, or form possible, that was my motto! To help when help was needed. All you had to do was illuminate my name in the sky and I’d be there! Not anymore though. It’s right here where the flag is on post and upfront!

My voice was completely silenced from 2017-2019, but I can’t be hushed anymore. A lioness cannot roar with her mouth closed! Nor can she demand authority in her kingdom, right? What am I suggesting here? I’m simply declaring my time has come and I have to stop tending to others. I must create! However, I can’t do that if I am completely empty. I’m rebuilding my strength, my faith, my love for myself, and my focus! Don’t get it twisted, I’m still cheering for you. But from a distance. Can you see my pom poms from there? Good! Carry on, then. We can both succeed without losing ourselves in the process.

Take me off your speed dial for your so-called emergencies. Damn it, I QUIT! No longer will I be fighting for your addictions, while your passions are sitting comfortably on the shelf! I have drawn the line until we learn the difference between the two. If we both continue chasing our addictions rather than our passions we suffer tremendously in the end. We were not put here to procrastinate every second of our lives. We were built to create, and create is what I shall do!

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