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Hope Never Disappoints

At what point in your life does hope without a shadow of doubt never disappoint? Are you in such a good place in your life that you’re able to breeze through hardships with just hope? Listen, this entry is not a “feel good” vibe or one of those; yes girl, thank you posts. This one is for me, but I’m putting it out there just in case it helps you.

I may not be in a place where everything that I’ve ever hoped for, comes to past, but I have been hopeful in the midst of pain.  So, here’s a place where you can ask me have I ever been disappointed? Why yes, yes I have. To be honest, the more we live, the more chances we have in encountering disappointments. The thing that keeps me in my right mind, is having the ability to choose hope over it all.

Here’s an example of when keeping it real goes wrong:

Yes, I have a job, but do I hope to one day win the lottery and call off, “Rich?” Of course, I do! Who doesn’t hope for that? However, I also have enough wisdom to know if I don’t play the lottery I can never win. OAN: I do hope that one day my dream of working from home will manifest. What steps am I currently taking to make that happen? Nothing! Sound the alarm, bring in Rudolph’s red blazing nostrils to glaze in my direction. We all know that I can’t possibly make Cardi B moves if I haven’t moved from the blocks yet. I have hope of one day “becoming”, but what am I doing now to be in that position?

The reality is that the disappointment isn’t hope, it’s me! I’ve learned to be comfortable in just “hoping” without acting upon anything. Faith without works is dead and we hear that time after time without realizing that your foot action is sometimes more important than your words. I can tell you all day that I hope to have this and that. But if I am sitting on my butt all night without producing one ounce of imagination, then it will just be… WORDS. I cannot let the hope that has been placed in me, become nothing more than just a seed planted. I have to one day become the hope that God sent his son to die for.

Let me give you my definition of hope. Hope is not pretending that you will encounter hard times, but it does represent the light to lead you out.   I’ve led myself into dark alleys without hope.  And in those cases, it took more than just a regular flashlight to bail me out. It took some serious soul searching mind mazing to gather my senses back. I’ve lost a lot within the last few months, but my hope is slowly introducing itself back into my life. I’ve literally had to reintroduce myself to the very thing that kept me hopeful. Prayer.

I haven’t completely given up on hope, because hope dare not give up on me. And for that reason alone, we know that hope never disappoints. We disappoint hope! We fill our own heads with the what if’s and the why not’s. The whole time hope is whispering in our ears; “I know the outcome and it’s not as bad as you think.” Sometimes, it’s best to hang up our own thoughts and shut out all the unnecessary noise. Turn off the television, shut down the social media, and just write it all out.

I realized that my hope wasn’t just in my heart but it’s also in this green pen. I’m encouraged today to keep my hope flourishing because without it, I’ll be lost in a dark alley without a glimpse of light. Hope never disappoints, but we do! Don’t be so hard on yourself though, you’ll be fine. The outcome won’t be as bad as you think!

With lots of love & hope,


Motivation Behind This Post:

Proverbs 130:5

Romans: 5:5

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