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The Power Of Two

The power of two happens to be the most amazing thing ever, once understood. I’m not sure if you or I fully comprehend the significance of this number. Do you remember the song; “It takes two” by Rob Base and DJ Ez Rock? Even in their lyrics they understood the principles of that number. The lyrics went something like this; “It takes two to make things go right, it takes two to make it out of sight!” This will make you dance, if you’ve ever heard it, that’s for sure!

There are at least hundreds if not thousands of references for “2” that may appear powerful. One number 2 reference doesn’t have an appearance that we’d like to recall much, right?  We’ll keep this post “PG”, but this particular number 2 refers to a body function. All jokes aside, this process removes unnecessary toxins from your body! Hence, the power behind the number “2.” So, in actuality it is a good thing. LOL! 

This number also brought the power in knowing the importance of being “EVEN.” Or having an even amount of anything in your life to create balance. You should always have an even amount of happiness to sadness. We tend to want to skip out of being sad, but how would we ever know the feeling of happiness without it. The Pixar movie Inside Out explained a lot of how all our emotions comes in pairs. There’s a tag team of joy and pain (another song reference here), then there’s grief, and/or celebration! 

The number 2 also holds the power of multiplication! In our very own day of conception, we start off with one cell. However, one cell cannot survive on it’s own and must divide and divide again! Before you know it, we’re made up of over billions of cells. All from one cell that needed another.

We need each other in the same manner. There are times in my life, where my thoughts can knock me off my square, if I’m not careful. They can also lead me into a dark place without an escape route in sight. No ladders, no elevators, no nothing to lead me out. However, having someone near to your heart to pray you back on track is what God intended. The Bible states; “Where 2 or more are gathered, He will be in the midst.” He will provide the escape plan for you. 

Make sure you are not alone going through your hardships, your losses, your struggles, your addictions, or your anything. There is power in 2, so partner up with someone that can help! If nothing else, make an attempt to include your spouse of your struggles. Admit to them of how you’re feeling. That way he/she will fight along side of you. Two is more powerful than One will ever be! 

Not alone in this fight,


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